Welcome to our
Older Wiser Learners page.

Older Wiser Learners (OWLs)

The Older Wiser Learners (OWLs) program is aimed at people 55 years of age or older who belong to the LGBT+ community in Central Florida.

The OWLs program aims to empower LGBT+ seniors in Central Florida by reiterating the idea that everyone has the inherent right to be who and what they want to be. It does this by serving as positive role models and active members of the community at large, connecting LGBT+ seniors to the resources they need to make informed decisions, and respecting them as the unique individuals they are as well as their family of choice.
We have weekly meetings for Game Day & Senior Social, and monthly Lunch & Learns.
The Center Orlando – Hillcrest St.
Meets every Thursday from 1:00pm – 4:00pm
The Center Kissimmee
Meets every Wednesday from 10:00am – 2:00pm

Join our Older Wiser Learners Facebook Group

Visit the Owls Central Florida Facebook page at: OwlsCentralFlorida
For more information on the OWLs Program or other senior services, email at: info@thecenterorlando.org.
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General Information
  • I hereby enter into this contract with LGBT+ Center Orlando, Inc. for the use of and have fully read and understood all rules and regulations governing the use of the facility.
  • I understand that the rental fee is per hour and agree to pay all fees prior to space usage.
  • I understand that LGBT+ Center Orlando, Inc. does not offer refunds.
  • I understand that I will be held financially responsible for any damage made to the facilities, appliances, furniture, or equipment.
  • I understand that I will be held responsible for the behavior of the group organization’s membership and its guests.
  • I understand that LGBT+ Center Orlando, Inc. may cancel the use of the facility if I or any persons in my group/organization do not comply with the user agreement and the guidelines.
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